Dawat-e-Islami New Zealand

Every Muslim love most

The Holy Prophet Muhammad

صَلَّی اللّٰہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّم

Discover 5 Pillars of Islam

Key practices that a Muslim is obligated to fulfil throughout their lifetime

Faith / Shahada

Belief in the Unity of Allah & Prophet Muhammad ﷺ as Allah’s messenger.

Prayer / Salah

The act of worshipping Allah five times a day throughout your lifetime.

Alms / Zakat

Sharing a certain percentage of your wealth with less fortunate every year.

Fasting / Roza

Fasting from dawn to dusk for 30 days in the holy month of Ramadan.

Pilgrimage / Hajj

A spiritual duty that every Muslim must offer once in their life, if able.

“I must strive to reform myself and people of the entire world.”

Ameer e Ahle Sunnat’s Mission

Introduction to Dawat-e-Islami

By the grace of Allah, Dawat-e-Islami is a renowned world wide peaceful Islamic, non-political organisation working to convey the message of Quran & Sunnah. It is committed to promote education & authentic religious guidance amongst humanity & a true peaceful & beautiful picture of Islam. The aim of Dawat-e-Islami is to achieve personal and collective harmony based on the below mission statement: “I must strive to reform myself & the people of the entire world”.

Dawat-e-Islami New Zealand

By the grace of Allah, Dawat-e-Islami is a renowned world wide peaceful Islamic, non-political organisation working to convey the message of Quran & Sunnah. It is committed to promote education & authentic religious guidance amongst humanity & a true peaceful & beautiful picture of Islam. The aim of Dawat-e-Islami is to achieve personal and collective harmony based on the below mission statement: “I must strive to reform myself & the people of the entire world”.


Dawat-e-Islami New Zealand is a registered charitable organisation with Charitable Commission of New Zeland. It also got Donee status that means you can claim 33% tax refund at the end of every year. You can request receipt from the accounts department of Dawat-e-Islami NZ trust.

Important personalities in Dawat e Islami

In every era, Allah  عزوجل  sent such holy personalities to the Ummah of His beloved and blessed Prophet (May Peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) who excellently fulfilled the responsibility of calling people towards righteousness and preventing them from misdeeds. 

Haji Imran Attari


Haji Imran Attari is a world-renowned Islamic Scholar. He has been the Head of the Central Advisory Board of Dawat-e-Islami for around 18 years. Through his brilliant vision and leadership under the guidance of the great Sufi saint of this century.

Haji Abdul Habib Attari

Head of Overseas

He is known as a soft spoken, eloquent speaker with charming personality. He is equally admired by groups of all ages and genders. Many youngsters have transformed their lives and abandoned the path of sins after listening to his lectures. 


Haji Ubaid Raza Attari

Ameer-e-Ahle Sunnat successor

Haji Ubaid Raza Attari سَلَّمَہُ الْبَارِی is one of the great Islamic personalities of present eraHe travels across the world for the revival of the Muslim Ummah and his Sunnah Inspired Bayanaat (Speeches) has brought religious reforms in the lives of thousands of individuals. 


Students of Dar ul Madina


Yearly constructed Masajid


Certified aalims


Hafiz graduates

Shaping the future - Islamic principle of upbringing

An Islamic upbringing, a foundation for a brighter future. Nurturing our children with love and guidance, shaping them into leaders with values of compassion, wisdom and integrity.


Pursuing Islamic goals & objectives.

Global reach

Global spread of Islam's message.


Carrying out activities to assist the needy.


Working for peace & serving humanity.